The degree course in Management prepares excellent professionals with skills to integrate or create organizations (business, public or third sector), with research capabilities and personal and scientific development. The Degree in Management makes it...
The Master's in Applied Management of the Institute of Management and Health Organizations (IGOS) aims to: To meet the needs of postgraduate training in the area of management, offering a comprehensive perspective, but taking into account the...
The general objective is to transmit knowledge and provide tools to support management and more strategic decisions, aimed at Managers of family businesses, Managers of SMEs, Directors of SMEs, Founders of Family Businesses, Family members involved or...
This proposal is aimed at managers, founders, etc. of small and medium-sized companies in the region of Viseu (people with or without higher education) who wish to learn/develop a set of useful tools to deal with the management and operation of the company . This course is intended to be an opportunity for business managers to learn, evolve and update their knowledge.