E-mail: info.viseu.ucp.pt
Coordination: Prof. Paulo Pereira: ppereira@ucp.pt
There are several international protocols and partnerships, within the scope of the Erasmus + Program, the Erasmus Mundus Program, and the INCHIPE Project for the internationalization of universities in Chile and Peru, for the exchange of students and professors.
Student mobility with funding from the Erasmus Program, carried out within the scope of bilateral Erasmus cooperation agreements, in which students do not pay tuition fees at the destination University. However, they continue to pay at the university of origin.
Do you want to take an Erasmus+ mobility period for studies in the next academic year? Contact mluz@ucp.pt.
Erasmus+ Interinstitutional Agreements with:
Mobility of students from European Universities, carried out within the scope of bilateral Erasmus cooperation agreements.
Your home university has nominated you for your student exchange period at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Centro Regional de Viseu and now you need to apply.
Email the following documents to mluz@ucp.pt:
Application Deadlines:
Promotion of international extracurricular internships, namely in Spain and Holland, through protocols with leading companies, namely IBM Spain, Galp Madrid, IBM Holland and Merck Holland.
Out/in faculty mobility to Italy, France, Croatia, Turkey, Spain and Peru.