Business English I is a curricular unit (CU) that is part of the first cycle degree in Management which aims to give a good general knowledge and understanding of the use of English in business situations. Therefore, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as Pope Francis’s Laudato Si' Goals (LSGs) will be springled throughout the topics covered throughout the semester. It is designed to facilitate the transition from high school to university through the development of competences relevant to the business world. The main goal of this curricular unit is to provide students with a solid foundation of the English language to enable them to develop their communicative competence within a business context; therefore, the following are the main objectives of this CU:
- To review English language structures and functional language, strategies and techniques related to the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) students acquired in their previous years of English language learning within a business context;
- To increase students’ confidence and fluency in English, particularly in listening and speaking;
- To introduce students to lexical items used in the business world in order to communicate more efficiently.
- To improve students' level of English through a combination of language input and practice in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially related to the business world;
- To develop students’ writing skills in order to help them communicate with professionals from the business world;
- To improve students’ pronunciation as well as their grammatical competence so that they can accurately communicate in English with minimal mistakes.