Total Quality and Operations Management

7 ECTS / Semestral / Portuguese

This curricular unit aims to provide a holistic and current perspective of operations and quality management, deepening selected topics from the first cycle and addressing recent topics in this area. It also seeks to highlight the role of operations and quality in the competitiveness and sustainability of organizations. Finally, it aims to transfer knowledge enabling to understand the key issues and challenges in this curricular area, exposing master students to the main lines of research in the field. At the end of this curricular unit, master students should be able to:

  1. Articulate concepts of planning, management, improvement and control of operations;
  2. Apply tools to assist in the design, analysis and improvement of processes;
  3. Analyze operations improvement programs, including quality programs;
  4. Critically review the scientific literature in the field and identify areas where research can be developed.


Invited Assistant Professor
PhD in Management from the University of Beira Interior, she is Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Portugal, at the Institute of Management and…