The mission of the Institute of Management and Health Organizations (IGOS) of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) is to provide excellent learning-teaching supported by innovative research, meeting the needs of the region in which it operates and contributing to its development, promoting training of competent graduates, in an integral way, with broad perspectives of personal fulfilment, based on ethical principles and values, which characterize and distinguish UCP.

Paulo Pereira | Dean of the Institute of Management and Health Organizations
Providing skills and training in the area of Management since 1985, IGOS is a place of production, valorization and transfer of scientific knowledge, with quality and rigor, based on an ethical posture and an organizational culture of proximity.
The various levels of training offered, in the Graduation (1st cycle), Master (2nd cycle) and Postgraduate and Advanced Training courses, are supported by up-to-date scientific knowledge, with innovative pedagogical practices, based on methodologies Problem Based Learning/ Case Based Learning (PBL/CBL), allowing to maintain a high proximity with students and a differentiated pedagogical strategy, according to their diversity of interests and needs.
In terms of research, the integration of professors in recognized research centers allows students to be involved in these activities with the aim of analyzing contemporary management challenges and presenting solutions for solving current problems, since the beginning of the course they are attending, thus up-to-date scientific training supports decision-making in professional practice.
IGOS is integrated into networks of local, national and international partners, contributing to analyze and promote the development of communities. This integration also makes it possible to carry out international teaching experiences or even volunteering.
Finally, it is important to highlight the way in which employers recognize the quality of the training provided, since the employability rate of graduates by the IGOS, whose consultation is public in the DGEEC - General Directorate of Education and Science Statistics - is approximately 100%.
In a context of constant changes and challenges, IGOS guarantees the quality and rigor of its teaching and research activities, with agility, flexibility and innovation, supported by proximity to students and the entire community.
Paulo Pereira, Dean of the Institute of Management and Health Organizations