Corporate Ethics and Social Responsability

5 ECTS / Semestral / Portuguese

The complexity of the current times leads us easily to the temptation to emphasize the resolution of problems by adopting essentially a short-term perspective. This attitude might be the more effective but only and only if the manager seeking the best way, alternatives, and solutions, taking into consideration the interests of the organization/company, does not exceed the boundaries of the tolerable kipping in mind the critical sustainable success factors. The resolution of the dilemmas of current and strategic management in organizations must be framed by the principles of business ethics / social responsibility and sustainability. In this curricular unit it’s intended to transmit to the students that the adoption of adequate ethical and sustainability and social responsibility behaviors reinforces the organizational legitimacy, with evidences that also improve its economic performance. It is intended that master students, after some immersion in the aforementioned themes, can characterize and elaborate diagnoses in real organizations, in view of possible applied developments / interventions.


Assistant Professor
Professor at IGOS of Introduction to Management, Information Systems and Ethics and Social Responsibility of Organizations and at FMD of Information and…