Patricia Couto

Invited Lecturer


In 2013 completed the Master’s Degree in Dental Medicine at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Post-graduated in Oro-Maxillofacial Pathology at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in 2014.

PhD in Biomedicine at the Universidade da Beira Interior in 2018;
Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Responsible for the knowledge field of Oral Medicine and Professor of Gerodontology.

Researcher at the Precision Oral Health Platform: 4-All Lab of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS), with publications in the form of abstract in national and international congresses and several published scientific articles.
Her main research interests are the identification of oral health problems and the impacts they have on the quality of life of special patients, thus seeking to restructure and readjust the available resources to the needs of individuals, or plan and implement new intervention programs in oral health. It also seeks to carry out epidemiological assessments with careful collections of statistical data on this population, systematically controlling their living conditions and the exercise of human rights, making them a public health priority.

Empreendedorismo social

Avaliação da autoperceção da saúde oral por idosos institucionalizados

Patricia Couto (with Couto, Patrícia). 2017.
Empreendedorismo social

Avaliação da saúde oral numa amostra de pacientes portugueses

Patricia Couto (with Couto, Patrícia). 2012.
Empreendedorismo social

Cárie dentária e materiais restauradores em população de Clínica Universitária

Patricia Couto (with Couto, Patrícia). 2013.
Empreendedorismo social

Criação de uma base de dados online com fichas clínicas dos pacientes geriátricos

Patricia Couto (with Couto, Patrícia). 2012.
Empreendedorismo social

Granuloma Gravídico: a propósito de um caso clínico

Patricia Couto (with Serrão, T). 2019.
Empreendedorismo social

Importância da alimentação para a saúde oral dos idosos

Patricia Couto (with Duarte, Sofia). 2017.
Empreendedorismo social

Medicação antidepressiva e saúde oral em idosos institucionalizados

Patricia Couto (with Marques, F). 2017.
Empreendedorismo social

Perda de peças dentárias e possíveis relações causais em diferentes amostras demográficas de idosos institucionalizados

Patricia Couto (with Rodrigues, C). 2017.
Empreendedorismo social

Perfil de los pacientes geriátricos en la Clínica Universitaria

Patricia Couto (with Couto, Patrícia). 2012. Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal
Empreendedorismo social

Perfil dos pacientes geriátricos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Patricia Couto (with Couto, Patrícia). 2012.
Empreendedorismo social

Saúde oral e qualidade de vida na pessoa com deficiência intelectual: contextos de autonomia

Patricia Couto (with Couto, Patrícia). 2017.

Assessment of Oral Health Care among the Institutionalized Elderly Caregivers

Patricia Couto (with M, Tavares). 2019. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health

Characterization of oral health in a Portuguese population with mild intellectual disability

Paulo Pereira & Patricia Couto (with Patrícia Couto). 2019. Special Care in Dentistry

CR0379 Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue: a case report

Patricia Couto (with Rui Amaral Mendes). 2014. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology

Oral health-related quality of life of Portuguese adults with mild intellectual disabilities

Paulo Pereira & Patricia Couto (with Patrícia Couto). 2018. PLOS ONE

Prevalência de retenções dentárias nos utentes adultos da Clínica Universitária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Patricia Couto (with Patrícia Couto). 2016. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

Self-perceived oral health assessement of institutionalized elderly of Viseu

Patricia Couto (with Veiga, Nélio Jorge). 2019. J Pub Health Catalog

The influence of population aging in Public Health

Patricia Couto (with Couto, Patrícia). 2018. International Research Journal of Public Health

Validation of a Portuguese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile adapted to people with mild intellectual disabilities (OHIP-14-MID-PT)

Paulo Pereira & Patricia Couto (with Patrícia Couto). 2018. PLOS ONE